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Mortgage Rate Calculator

Mortgage rates for your specific needs

Mortgage interest rates can vary based on your circumstances. Use our mortgage rate calculator to get customized rates and monthly mortgage payments.


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Peg Meader

Peg Meader

New Construction Specialist
NMLSR ID 1240431

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Mon – Fri: 7 am – 8 pm
Sat: 8 am – 6 pm 
Central Time 

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Mon – Fri: 7 am – 10 pm  
Sat: 8 am – 2 pm  
Central Time

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Loan-to-value ratio (LTV)

The amount you owe on your loan divided by your home's original value, which is either the price you paid for it or the appraised value at closing, whichever is less. This number is always expressed as a percentage.