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Transcript: Business Essentials

Voiceover: Ask a business owner, and they’ll tell you what they need right now, is a better way to get more done. Without adding more overhead.

Introducing Business Essentials from Wells Fargo, the straightforward solution that can help simplify your banking with a core package of treasury services. The essential ones. The ones you need to run your business more efficiently, more productively.

Services designed to help you that let you easily send and receive payments. Help protect your business and your transactions from fraud. And let you monitor your cash flow and balances. So, you can keep your corporate cash management well in sight.

So how do you put Business Essentials to work for your company?  Easy.
With one standard, starter price, more than a dozen treasury services are in reach.  From day one.

Use what you need now.  Activate others as your needs expand. With no waiting.  Because the setup for all of your services has already been done.

Talk to us about Business Essentials. The smart, straightforward way to keep your business moving forward

End Card: Wells Fargo (LOGO)
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