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Supplier Diversity

When we work together, we grow together

Our commitment

Learn more about our commitment to supplier diversity and its importance to our business.
Our commitment

Participation requirements

We help provide diverse suppliers with a broad range of opportunities to participate.
Participation requirements


We collaborate with regional and national organizations that assist us in building a more inclusive practice.

Our approach

Diverse business inclusion. Include diverse suppliers in competitive sourcing and procurement opportunities related to strategic initiatives.

Capacity building. Invest in building capacity and expertise for high potential diverse suppliers.

Outreach. Partner with internal and external stakeholders to deliver information to the diverse supplier community.

Our process

Engaging Supply Chain Management

Early engagement of Supplier Diversity will start the data gathering process (benchmark data, peer information, and diverse supplier identification).

Requirements gathering

Supplier Diversity involvement will support the search and identification of qualified and capable diverse suppliers. This allows the gathering of information on any roadblocks that may limit diversity participation.

Evaluate product/service requirements

Supplier Diversity will analyze the category for diverse supplier engagement (first- or second-tier).

Sourcing and due diligence

Supplier Diversity provides input and reviews sourcing document (RFx), ensuring language pertaining to diversity (commitment, spend, reporting, etc.) is present and meets the goals and objectives.

Negotiate Contracts

Supplier Diversity is engaged/notified of any disputes related to second-tier contract language and defined goals.

Approvals and signatures

Onboarding training for second-tier tracking and reporting


Our partnerships expand across regional and national organizations that share our commitment to Supplier Development and provide programs and services that strengthen diverse businesses within our communities. We collaborate with organizations that align with diverse supplier identification, certification, development, and engagement.

Our commitment

Wells Fargo celebrates over 30 years of engagement with diverse-owned companies. Through our Supplier Diversity program, we support the growth of small businesses and businesses owned by minorities, women, veterans, people with disabilities, and LGBTQ+. Supplier diversity adds value to the organization by supporting a supplier base that reflects the customers and communities we serve.

Our Supply Chain Management function is committed to integrating supplier diversity into its strategic sourcing and procurement processes to generate efficiency, innovation, and increased opportunities for diverse suppliers. We aim to accomplish this mission by establishing and supporting partnerships with the diverse business community, developing these businesses for growth, and engaging with community organizations that share our commitment.

We're further committed to monitoring our practices for effectiveness and working with relevant managers, other employees, and stakeholders to implement these practices. Together with our diverse suppliers, we can contribute to the long-term economic sustainability of our communities.

What does diversity mean to Wells Fargo?

We value and promote diversity, equity, and inclusion in all aspects of business and at all levels. Success comes from inviting and incorporating diverse perspectives.