Fred and Nancy Brumley Foundation

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The mission of the Fred and Nancy Brumley Foundation is to provide funds for the assistance of poor, deprived, and neglected persons in Mecklenburg County, North Carolina, and within a fifty-mile radius of Charlotte, North Carolina.

Annual application deadlines

August 1

Program areas

Human services

States served

North Carolina

Geographic limitations

Foundation funds provide assistance to the residents of Mecklenburg County, North Carolina, and within a fifty-mile radius of Charlotte, North Carolina.


Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., Co-Trustee


  • To be eligible, organizations must qualify as exempt organizations under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.

Grantmaking priorities

The Foundation emphasizes the support of human services, the encouragement of those seeking to do better with their lives, and to improve the promise of tomorrow for themselves and their community.

Average giving

Average grant size: $10,000 to $50,000
Average total giving per year: $150,000

Annual application period and deadlines

Applications are accepted year-round. Applications must be submitted by August 1 to be reviewed at the grant meeting that occurs in the Fall.


Applicants will receive an automated email confirming their submission. Grant decisions are generally communicated by the end of the year for applications received by the deadline.

Required agreements and reports

Periodic progress reports and final reports may be required for funded projects.

About the Foundation

Fred and Nancy Brumley were wed for life, residing in Charlotte, North Carolina, a growing city that became the beneficiary of their largesse. Following a lifetime of quiet generosity, their posthumous Foundation became active in June 2009, through their estates. Fred was a principal manager for a heating and air conditioning company and was very dedicated to his craft, his colleagues, and the many independent companies working in his industry. The Brumleys joined Plaza Presbyterian Church on March 2, 1952.  There Fred taught youth Sunday school and enjoyed preparing meals at myriad church functions.  He was very active in Men of the Church. Fred served as a Deacon and a Ruling Elder, and as the resident air and heating expert, keeping all the Church heating and air conditioning systems working and in good shape.  In addition, Fred served in the military and was a thirty-third degree Mason. He addressed most everyone as “Brother” or “Sister”.

When Fred wasn’t busy at the church or office, he would take to the skies. He periodically owned several planes and he loved talking about his flying for business or pleasure. Nancy had a passion for doll houses.  Her treasure was a large colonial style doll house full of miniature furniture/settings.  But they were best known for their kind and generous spirits, philanthropy and the offer of a “hand up” to those in need.

Those who knew them well have shared that there is no doubt Fred and Nancy Brumley loved each other with a deep and abiding love. Fred came home from work for lunch with “Miss Nancy” almost every day of his working life. They loved Plaza Church. They loved the Lord. And their generosity, evident during their lives, follows them still.

Values Statement

The Brumleys would utter again their Lord’s truth that God’s rain falls on the just and unjust.  Without regard to merit or desert all people receive the grace of help when fallen, of light in darkness, of love when barren, of care when desolate, and the embrace of faith when broken.  Within the breast of the Brumley Foundation, beats the driven heart of mission for redemption and a brighter tomorrow.  The Foundation underscores the simple betterments listed here:
Faith, Helping Others, Opportunity, Compassion, Service

Among other inspirations the Brumleys demonstrated was their a sense of community, family, friendship, generosity, stewardship, self-determination, equality, dignity, and care for young people.